A course led by brian sanders

Authentic Leadership

Discussing the leadership Jesus modeled for us and how we follow his example

About This Course

There are so many models for leaders to follow it can be hard to know which ones to trust. Leadership that really reflects the way of Jesus can be hard to find and even harder to do. In its place, the overwhelming temptation for Christian leaders to judge, control, criticize and shift responsibility stands to undermine the kingdom everywhere we lead. The model Jesus gave us is utterly different; Jesus led people’s hearts by leading with his heart. If anyone had the right to be commanding it was Jesus, yet he preferred to use a more subtle, dignified and ultimately more powerful way. This seminar, for both seasoned and beginning leaders will explore this profound kind of leadership and help us move toward embracing it exclusively in our context.

This course contains the recording of the seminar titled "Authentic Leadership," given by Brian Sanders on Monday, November 13th 2017 as part of the Underground Open Source Seminar series.

Your Instructor:

Brian Sanders

As a social entrepreneur, Brian has helped to start hundreds of missional enterprises, including churches, nonprofits, and businesses all over the world. Most notably, Brian is the founder and former Executive Director of the Underground Network; an international coalition of mission driven communities; creating ecosystems of faith, creativity and empowered social enterprise. Based in Tampa, the Underground now has movement hubs in 17 cities and 7 countries. Most recently Brian has been working as a specialist in collective impact alliances for the National Christian Foundation.
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