About This Course
The idea of a believer's calling has been discussed countless times over the centuries, especially during these last few decades. The Who am I? postmodern worldview shapes much of our thinking and the Christian’s thoughts aren’t exempt. We, especially those in their twenties, often return to the question: ”What was I made to do?" So pervasive is this question, some call it the quarter life crisis. Modern life inundates us with the "could do's" and "should do's" which are presented seemingly innocent by friends, family, and sometimes strangers. To make things even more difficult, some of us make up our own agendas and obligations so overwhelmingly that we can feel pulled any which way. For others, dreaming is more an estranged practice, like trying to learn a foreign language. Fortunately, these questions and feeling of purpose aren’t outside God’s plan. In fact, these longings and considerations come into our mind because they are a vestige of God’s original intention for humanity. We see this most clearly as we survey the pages of scripture and notice the repeating theme of calling throughout the entirely of the bible. Our task is to take these questions and come to understand them in light of God’s direction and plan. This is where the Calling Lab comes in.
We offer two methods of completing our course: you can complete the course via our self-guided lessons and videos here, or, purchase a $20 workbook for an expanded version of our class with a large amount of extra material and information. A detailed explanation can be found on the "Choose your path" section of the course.
Write your awesome label here.